Our proposal is based on the concept of cycles,
both of time and of space. The main strategy
for the occupation and use of the public space
is built around the concept of orbital movement
around nodes within the site. The nodes act as
gravity points, and are situated in close prox-
imity to the surrounding functions, and as such
allows a blurring of programmatic zones within
and around the site.
The hard landscape is made up of solid, per-
manent surfaces such as concrete, resin bond-
ed gravel and granite tiling. Through the plan
composition we seek to emphasize the orbital
movement even further. As a contrast to this
we are proposing a soft landscaping approach
that mimic the wild and overgrown nature
reserve nearby. Tall reed grasses define enclo-
sures within the otherwise open space, and cre-
ates an extension of the canal-side landscape.
Concept 2: HALOS
In the evenings, the Gasholder frame is il-
luminated by a ‘Halo’, an LED light ring that
is suspended within the frame. The light will
have two ways with which it interacts with the
surrounding activities. Firstly, it will be fixed to a
track to allow it to move vertically, imitating the
historically shifting datum of the rising and fall-
ing gas level. Secondly, it will have an adjust-
able light intensity, to vary the light qualities on
the site.
The main function of the Halo is that it responds
to the amount of people occupying the pub-
lic space, and visualises the intensity of use
throughout the day. If there is a big event tak-
ing place, the light will ascend to the top, while
the light intensity increases. By doing this, it
will create a beacon that could be visible from
the surrounding areas, and attract visitors to
the site. It will have the potential to become a
strong focal point in the Kings Cross landscape,
and a powerful and poetic memory of the cul-
tural heritage of the area.