This adaptive re-use of the Armature Works/Trolley Barn of Tampa, Florida is a strategic urban design approach that encourages architecture students and architects to integrate existing historic structures and redevelop them by proposing new building uses to enhance the existing structure as well as the community around it. The design concept is to develop a vertical neighborhood interconnected by sky gardens throughout the whole project (from the bottom level to the top level). Each sky garden has its own characteristics and uses. Some sky gardens would incorporate urban agriculture (edible landscapes) to make of this community a self-sustaining neighborhood.
The Armature Works/Trolley Barn is a historic structure from the 1940's. Considerations in this project were taken to promote sustainable strategies: Passive cooling: Cross-ventilation throughout the corridors of the vertical neighborhood. Sky Gardens: Provide alternate experience to the residences as well as the visitors. These gardens incorporate trees to provide natural cooling and pollution reduction on every level of the structure. Building Skin: the perforated skin system works as a second layer to protect interior spaces from direct sunlight providing a more comfortable environment. Vegetation growing on the exterior of the skin will provide a clear visual indication of the structure's sustainable approach. Transit Oriented: Revitalize the initial function of the historic trolley barn passing through the middle of the existing building. The project also includes a marina with a taxi boat system. Urban Agriculture: Residents are encouraged to learn how to be more self sustainable by planting their own vegetables, fruits, or medicinal herbs and plants in front of their entrance door or in the sky gardens. Rain water Collection: Water is collected from the roof and sky gardens of the tower in order to supply filtered water for landscape irrigation and flushing.
Some of the building uses are:
First Level outdoor: Parks, artificial beach, marina (taxi boat system).
First Level: A market place along the trolley tracks, art galleries, offices, restaurants and two lobbies to access the tower from two different ends.
Second Level: a Coffee shop, restaurant, residential units, sky gardens.
Third Level & Top Level: Residential Units, sky gardens.