Gradient is a cutting edge risk sciences consulting firm, with specialties in Toxicology, Epidemiology, Risk Assessment, Product Safety, Contaminant Fate and Transport, and Environmental/ Forensic Chemistry, and has worked in over 30 countries. The Gradient Wall aims to embody the complexity of their work while maintaining a subtlety that speaks to the systematic nature of working through convoluted scientific issues.
Each of the 221 unique cells were produced from a Voronoi based algorithm. The algorithm was designed such that each cell would respond to a field of sinuous lines which moves diagonally across the wall from the bottom right to the upper left corner. This field, which is part of Gradient's graphic identity, also determines each cell's size and degree of concavity or convexity. The wall is installed in the lobby and reception area of Gradient's Cambridge office.
Roxana Perdue
Jared Friedman