For their new headquarters in Taipei, Good TV, a major Christian television network, called upon Noiz for the design of the facade. The site was adjacent to a main highway running through Taipei and therefore would be seen by many as they drove past the building. It became important for the design to not become overbearing or too close to propaganda because of the large number of viewers per day. Additionally, the many angles from which the building can be seen sparked interest in the idea of a slightly subdued presence which changed depending on the vantage point. In order to accomplish this, as well as keep construction cost low and construction easy, we proposed a typical frame-less glass facade with only small modifications. The caps of the glass supports would be extended out at varying levels to create the slight reminder of a major symbol of Christianity, that of the cross. The cross would appear at only moderately oblique angles and disappear as one moved either too far away from the headquarters or directly in front of it while driving past.