The school facility built in 1948 came from a highly regarded architecture competition (Arch. Hans Hauri). The pavilion-like arrangement of a larger school complex was a contemporary solution to the demands of the school at the time. The different one and two-story building wings adapt themselves unobtrusively to the scale of the residential quarters ‘Gönhard’. The classroom blocks, together with the connecting buildings and the covered passages form a lively sequence of well-defined exterior spaces. The park-like landscape integrates the whole arrangement seamlessly into a pleasantly landscaped residential district. The new buildings continue the principle of hinged building figures of the existing buildings: polished volumes are attached to the single fingers and enclose the outside rooms facing the street. The new building volumes seek a deeper relationship to the existing, not only at town planning level. The facades are ordered by a vertical structure, where the Trass clay schell achieves familiarity to the existing plaster. In cooperation with Marta and Sebastian Rauch, an art project was created which stands in comfortably together to the existing artwork. Fired clay relief tiles with a three-dimensional pattern decorate the wall surfaces of the new assembly hall. Here, floor inlays like scattered leafy islands define its spatial areas. Through the refurbishment of the listed school facility, the existing aesthetic qualities have been further emphasized.
Text and drawings copyright by Boltshauser Architekten
Photographs copyright by Beat Bühler