The communication between a municipality and citizens is an essential aspect of public action. The exhibition-workshop aims to communicate what the Public Administration is doing (in terms of urban projects, strategies, future visions, and so on) to foster Cagliari as the European Capital of Culture in 2019.
According to this aim, the exhibition is conceived as a place of encounter and exchange of knowledge, a modern Agora where physical flows (visitors, tourists, and citizens), and virtual flows (virtual visitors), can merge together.
The exhibition theme takes inspiration from the urban morphology, where several urban hills, wetlands, and the constant view of the sea contribute to an extremely rich and stratified landscape.
Starting from this conceptualization of the Cagliari landscape, the exhibition has been organized in several thematic “islands,” corresponding to the most significant urban topics: the historic center (Castello and its surroundings), the main squares, two main coastlines, and the metropolitan area. These elements have been conceived as different levels of a new urban geography, defined by the desire to reconnect the city together through a new and coherent urban landscape.