Diploma Project
„The dwelling of our time does not exist. But altered circumstances in our lives demand that it be created. Before it can be created it is essential that we have a clear idea of what our living requirements really are. Overcoming today's discrepancy in living conditions between actual needs and false pretensions, between genuine demand and inadequate supply, is a burning economic challenge, and a precondition to the advancement of ”Culture””
Mies Van der Rohe , Berlin, 1931
This project represents my answer to the following questions:
• How will the collective dwelling be in the next 30-40years?
• How can the architect create housing that respond to the changing requirements of users?
• How can the flexibility be an inspiration for a new architecture?
• How can we design the built environment to support the stability - in terms of long-term interests of the community and change - in terms of individual preferences?
First part of the project is a more analytical one and aims to analyze urban strategies, major development trends in construction, housing profile (home + user) in the next 30-40 years in Europe; and the inclusion of my country in the European context.
Also, I made a presentation of the "Open Building" program, as I understood it, focusing on the concepts of transformability, flexibility, adaptability and typological diversity.
Based on these analysis, I chose my own criteria, that a home must meet to be considered as flexible. I then presented the specific mechanisms through which concepts can be translated into practice
To have a constraint, I started from a multifamily residential complex, where I live, a recent construction that I have analyzed based on the chosen criteria. Then I proposed another approach, an ideal one, of the same space.
. In terms of new housing typologies I have made a proposal to meet the projections and statistics on household structure of the population in Romania for the next 30-40 years, based on the concept of "Open building".
In the second part of the project I made concrete proposals of interior design, for several spaces, a studio for youth with a 33,6mp area and an apartment type 3, with an area of 76,5mp, for people with disabilities.
I also made a proposal for common areas, that can have various functions, depending on the wishes of tenants.
Finally, I highlighted the elements that formed the basis of my proposal and I have shown the connexion of the interior spaces with the exterior.
In my opinion, a housing complex may not be sustainable in itself, no matter how well designed, if not integrated in a sustainable neighborhood.