In its simplest form the brief was an office fit-out inside an existing warehouse for a prestige real estate agency that were seeking an office environment that reflects their core values and ties into the port side demographic that is Fremantle.
A key area of research for Payne designs is the idea of architectural narratives or “stories”. For example the client has a story they wish to convey, this story is overlaid on Fremantle which in turn has another story, and so on. Our role was to give a physical expression to this laying of the story in an honest and meaningful way.
The material choices are a result of architectural narratives in their own right. By taking familiar commercial materials and changing the context in which they are used, we can create layers of meaning. The material’s and their intended use are familiar, so the material retains it original “story”, but by appropriating a new unexpected use the material gains a new story and a new identity. This overlying of meanings creates a layering of story upon story and a kind of richness of experience that we try to create.