The existing barrier spans across the whole providence river covering up to 680 ft. in length. Within that length there are 3 components: A pump station- 220 ft long x 68 ft high containing five 4 ton 4500 horse power pumps, three river gates- 40ft wide x 40 ft tall which can be pulled down to block the water when necessary, and a massive concrete dam that spans the remaining length extending beyond the shore into the land.
This infrastructure was built in place after two massive storms in the past caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage to the city in 1938 and 1954. Although this dam has the capacity to save up to 20ft above sea level tide, the river gates are rarely used. Fortunately we haven’t had any severe storms since which unfortunately leaves this impressive dam un-used.
This design is a complete new addition to facilitate a new usage to the un-used waterfront of Providence. Each architectural element introduced is an organization of light, fragile minimal design and structures, which contrasts the stoic existing barrier.
This massiveness brings safety to the community, and this is the celebration of human capability. With this thesis, I aim to emphasize this celebration and propose this as a place to hold rite of passage.