Lunch Box Talks: Food and Architecture
Architecture Centre Network presents an exciting series of three Lunch
Box Talks, as part of the London Festival of Architecture 2010.
Discussions will explore the significant, and sometimes
controversial relationship between food and the built environment
across the UK – from healthy fast food to edible towns.
Book now at tickets include a lunch box from the Farm Collective, who are committed to providing the best UK farm sourced food.Fruit, vegetables and livestock in London’s Square Mile24 June, 1 – 1.50pm (please arrive at 1pm prompt), £6Mitchell
Taylor Workshop’s proposal for a temporary use of the ‘cheese grater’
development site (in the City’s Leadenhall Street), offered an
innovative and cost-effective solution for keeping a large, empty site
vibrant. This exciting proposal could be adopted as a model for other
disused sites across the UK. This session involves a presentation by
Piers Taylor of Mitchell Taylor Workshop, in conversation with Gill
Fearnyough, director of The Architecture Centre, Bristol.
Get your hands dirty! Food, passion and place29 June, 1 – 1.50pm (please arrive at 1pm prompt), £6Can
we experience food with all of our senses once it has been through a
“process” or do we need to be part of the process ourselves? Has our
love of food been stifled? Heather Hilburn, director of Shape East will
talk with Richard Morris from the National Trust about the Wimpole
Estate farm in Cambridgeshire, on reconnecting with the land and our
Do places make you fat?1 July, 1 – 1.50pm (please arrive at 1pm prompt), £6Can
fast food be healthy? How far can increased obesity be attributed to
diet or sedentary lifestyle? How can the planning and design of the
built environment influence how and what we eat when we’re on the move?
Julia Ellis, director of Architecture Centre MADE*, presents key
findings from ‘Lessons to Take-Away’ – their recent conference on
planning, health and fast food lifestyles – with Alan Goodman, senior
planner at Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.
What do you think? Engage further with these issues on the Debate and Innovate
section of our website. What is the value of growing food in schools,
derelict and unused land? Should unsold food be distributed to the
homeless? Have we become too reliant on air freight for importing food?
Should UK farmers be planning crops to cope with climate change? Tell
us what you think!
Event partners: London Festival of Architecture and the National Trust