The pavilion, which was comissioned privately, was planned as a decorative and ornamental structure that was given a undefined purpose.A Folly of the kind that populated 18th century landscaped gardens in England, an edifice without a clear definition - a larger than lifesize abstract piece of furniture.Niches in the facade, different cutouts, the roof as well as the interior, offer a range of spatial experiences that merge into and through one another.The different spaces, where cushions await, invite for reposing, exploring and gathering.The exterior consists of planed boards of larchwood, whose smoothness contrast with the weathering process.No flashing (cover sheet), socket or visible attic detract from the sharp edges and solidity of the structure - in part to ensure that the aging process will appear completely homogeneous.When not in use, the pavillion is closed with shutters made of highly polished stainless steel.In this way depth is achieved not only by structural means but in an imaginary and illusional way using the reflecting qualities as a mirror.