Need help, fixing our living space - so, it is environmentally friendly. Currently, we need help with flooring, redesigning our kitchen ... help with figuring out where the bad smell, is coming from, in our upstairs bathroom ... Need new tile in both bathrooms and would like to have an add on porch. We see a winding staircase, needed to the roof, through the porch, so we have a place to grow plants, for an herb kitchen, an accessorizing extravaganza ...That could be franchised and help heal the world ! Fantasizing is good ! As a kid, I was told, if we try to jump to the moon ... we may just get somewhere ! We could make this a media event, highlighting any brave soul, wishing to be involved in any or all improvements, shared above as suggestions above. Any improvements, creating sacred space, can be documented in a video. We can make anyone a star, as the video could be used to brilliantly highlight anyone's talents & skills ! Any videos, we produce documenting the improvements to our home can be posted on the internet, or even broadcast LIVE to a website ! AND/or we can broadcast the video, on local TV or nationally, with all original music ! Actually, we could create your very own theme song, for you ! We can make you, OR anyone a star, if you want to shine !