High density mixed-use redevelopment of the former marshalling yards situated between Taunton railway station and Firepool Lock, which marks the junction of the Taunton and Bridgwater Canal and River Tone. The centrepiece of the development is the Victorian Pump House, built over mediaeval lime kilns to service the station, which is to be extended and converted into a bar restaurant. The sectional steel water tank on the roof will be reinstated in glazing providing panoramic views for the restaurant. Pump House Square is framed by offices and a 5 storey residential development. The offices fill a narrow strip of land between the new road and the station behind and culminate in a circular drum which acts as a landmark. The residential comprises high density apartments and townhouses planned around quiet courtyards with raised walkways onto the canal to protect the dwellings from the risk of flooding. This is an opportunity to create a stimulating high density mixed use environment ideally situated between the station and the canal and within walking distance of the Town Centre. The development will exploit the potential of this highly sustainable and historic site and enhance the city centre of Taunton.