Finsbury Health Centre is acknowledged as one of the most important healthcare buildings in the UK, not only because of Bertholt Lubetkin’s outstanding design solution to the brief given by an enlightened Finsbury Borough Council in the mid 1930’s, but also because of the groundbreaking changes to community healthcare that were being pioneered at the time the building was designed and built.
Unfortunately, with the exception of a limited amount of well executed renovation work to a small part of the external wall in 1995, the building fabric and the external envelope in particular has now been allowed to seriously decay, slowed only by pieces of inappropriate patch repairs that took little or no account of the nature of the building. Wide ranging urgent renovation work is needed to protect the building’s future.
Islington Primary Care Trust and English Heritage jointly commissioned Sprunt to help them to establish the future for this 1938, Grade I Listed building.
The task was to establish whether the grade 1 listed building, plus an extension, could together accommodate a 21st Century Primary Care facility providing many more services than the site currently does, and at the same time retain the building’s design integrity while going through major renovation. The planned scope of activities on the site includes two GP Practices, Child Health/Family Planning, Community Nursing, Podiatry, Orthotics, Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and Dentistry.
A lengthy study has been completed, with both Islington PCT and English Heritage intimately involved in our team, during which many options were developed for the continued use of Finsbury Health Centre. These were narrowed down to six and then a final two options were selected, developed in detail and costed. The result of the study has been to prove that this amazing building can indeed move forward into the 21st Century and continue to provide Primary Care.