are asking how to adapt a hundred years old and only little
maintained house to everyday needs of a modern family (small floor
space, technology and materials not functional anymore, lacking
sanitary facilities ...). At the same time we do not want to break or
violate soft, sensitive links and layerings created here over the
time, as these generate a strong character of this place - magical
(and familiar) atmosphere.
area of the house (one floor has 30 m2) does not allow to add
everything one needs inside. Therefore we leave the house layout
almost unchanged, and everything necessary is added outside - instead
of an old woodshed on the west side of the house (kitchen), at the
southern facade instead of the ancient toilets (bathrooms) and in
front of the east entrance (vestibule).
of extensions derives from the shape and proportions of the existing
house, which is basically a set of cubes rising from a plan on two
squares (vertical stairs and the residential part of the house).
an analogy to this we add five cubes - two create additional
horizontal of a kitchen, two added vertically, form new sanitary
facilities, one becomes a new vestibule.
added to the original house is clearly distinguishable. New surface
is made of oiled spruce. Additionaly there is a hierarchy distinction
among the new parts, created by the colour of painting - black
kitchen / white hygiene / raw entrance.
wish the added parts worked kind of like lichen. Like a symbiotic
form of mushroom (for us wooden structure), and algae – that ensure
photosynthesis, thus life (for us functional filling of extensions)
and that are at same time harmless for the carrier. On the contrary –
in colour and structure together they can create unexpectedly strong
would like the newly added parts to gradually become natural and
integral element of a living space.