Advocate, with growing family was in an urge to get their dwelling reached us that, needs to be intact for budding kids. He spends most of time with family and wanted an office space with some workstation, the house needs to accolade with more of interaction. House wife spends most of the time in the kitchen and care taking the kids, she was in devoid of space that she could rivet on. Elder daughter in the verge of finishing her schooling, was seeking for a private study space, other two children of very less age were active and turning a space into a positive nature.
Overlooking the humongous elephant rock past the urban sprawl of Madurai, site set in a impassable end, measuring 137’0”(41.75) x 63’0” (19.20) of 8631 square feet (801.6) sqmt. It receives a west radiation from the giant hillock, being a warm humid climate and hot days around the year.
Based on the functional needs of the client and the linearity of the site, we segmented it to office, semi private and private areas. High walls on the hard light hitting east and west façade, openings on the north creating a introverted planning, which creates more of a private family space. Integrating the courtyards and swimming pool, helps in evoking the stack effect and evaporating cooling process across the house. A visual connection from layers of space, private to semi private to office with physical barriers. Physical connection in the informal space with small levels, that creates interaction within the space.
Alley hits the site, to a blank wall creating spill over to reach the office on the northern side and the formal living in the southern side. 9 feet wide door invites to the formal living to the west, spreading out to a courtyard on the southern direction with louvered openings make it airy and creating a enclosure to the informal living buffered by pooja. Private space opens out a huge court, transversing from front kitchen to dining. Dining further opens to two courts, one a small micro court plunges in with bamboo grooves, another wide court connects the master bed with a small lounge and gets a louvred to the formal living. The dining gets visual transition from the court to the living to the swimming pool towards the northern side. Living a modest space gets evaporative cooling from the pool, the double high court travels via long single flight stair way to family space.
Family above the dining gets ambient day light from the two courts that spills on either side, bed space above the master bed looks out to the wide court clad with Jaisalmer sandstone, juxtaposed with plumeria Alba in the centre and outer wall of the court is amalgamated with granite louvers. Stack effect from the court gets in ample amount of light and ventilation. Family opens out to a bridge casting interesting shadows across the day on either wall from the running skylight and central circular skylight to reach the daughter’s bedroom overlooking the swimming pool. The other bedroom from the family overhangs to the parking and office, toilets placed on the western facade reduces the heat gain inside the room.
Office created with linear approach, starts from the waiting space to the junior working space to the senior working space. His working space has been prepend with a small court to get ambient light and ventilation.
Cantilevered mass overhangs from the facade, inherits a floating style. Slit openings on the facade create an ambient light to the toilets, and juxtapose a lit projecting wooden ceiling roof. Blank wall treated with copper slate, expresses the Rustic and minimalistic approach to the design, layered with landscape. Living spaces has been laid with athangudi floor tile, exhibits a cool nature and levels been smoothly finished with jet black granite stone, rough leatherette finished jet black granite stone to persuade the contrast in courts. Small skylights in the toilets make it airy and fresh throughout the day, Setbacks of the site on the south eastern corner is obtained to make use of. kitchen garden.