Preliminary design of a broad and narrow scope was seen primarily from the perspective of a user. In that sense, the main point of the proposed concept is to bring alive the central area of the town’s historic core while preserving to the maximum extent its indigenous identity and interpolating authentic contemporary elements in order to increase the quality of the space to the maximum for both the future users of the faculty and to the residents of neighbouring buildings, with a potential to create a place that is alive day and night.
Spatial components of the existing ambience related to historical marked route and the medieval peripheral road Via Fossata ambiens are the block structure of the historic core on one side and on the other atypical block construction that contains residential buildings that mark the block in the corner, landscape design of a representative villa in the central part, and long, narrow strips of land of neighbouring free-standing buildings. Position of the buildings in the area of intervention and landscaping of their plots was conditioned by a reconciliation of these mutually opposite components and by a transposition into something new as a natural flow of mutually connected spaces in the block that function as a living room of the user.