Holy architecture is very human.
In bygone times, Biblical Hermeneutics and Pythagorean speculation endeavored to finds texts and figures that would give acces to the sacred realm. But nowadays, the forms of cult have given way to the cult of forms, and temples havemoved from the domain of theology to the field of art.
The designer is free to interpret the sacred, using the ecclesiastical commission no longer as a framework established by liturgical conventions , but as an opportunity for freedom of expression. Such autonomy leads to both outrageousness and excellence: the extinction of the code facilitates bewilderment, but also the exaltation of personal lenguages.
Finally, adapting religion to the society of spectacle sprinkles any contemporary proposal with a certain theatricality. Such a scenographic approach fragments forms and blurs contents, and testify to the current plurality and uncertainty of the arts and the holy.
Structural support is never disguised, but is instead made a visiblepart of the composition. Crisp grey-painted steel creates a linear counterpoint that loosely frames the volume of the church without ever fully enclosing it.
View, light and orientation govern the exteriors.The interiors are continuous with the exteriors, and composed of similar materials. This typically minimal separation of interior and exterior creates a dynamic of shifting spaces.
This is an architecture of plane and of volume, not mass, caracterized always by lightness and transparency.
Location: Helvecia - Santa Fe
Lot Area: 500 m2
Building Area: 140 m2
Project Team: Arch. Jimena Ayala
Arch. Ma.Soledad Alesso
Arch. Albano Hang
& Jorge D'Alessandro ASOC.
Structural Engineering: Eng. Eduardo Gentile
Work Team: Eng. Marcos Banegas
Juan Narváez & Co
A2JD : 2010-2013