Located in Colorful and vibrate area of HauzKhas Village, New Delhi, Faarsi is designed to serve Persian, Turkish, Lebanese and Moroccan delicacies with focus on Kebabs. The property is located in the heart of the action on a pedestrian only street. The street is crowded with over 40 different restaurants and bar serving various specialties. Main entrance to Faarsirestautant is from a tiny side lane, therefore, it was important to find an instrument to draw people inside the property.
We employed back lit jaali as a way of grabbing attention and drawing people inside. Entire front and side facade is designed as a huge lit up signage for the passer byes - during the evening as well as the day. To make the space feel larger we employed an open kitchen format in this 20 seat restaurant.
Colour palette is inspired by the Persian region. Walls, Floors, and Ceilings mimick the colour of sand with bright blue accents, inspired by Islamic Architecture. However, to make the place inviting for all the pattern and graphics is neutral and not culture specific.
One wall is completely clad in custom designed blue hexagonal mirror tile to lend feel of spaciousness to the interiors. Spherical CNC cut steel globes throw beautiful patterns on the walls and the ceiling. All furniture was custom designed and fabricated. Here the banquet sofa is shaped like a crown with copper colored metal tables and simplified low back Victorian chairs. The wall behind the banquet depicts a map of The Persian Empire, where it all began.