Film is an illusion created by the scenic coordination of light, space,and movement, which becomes real through projection. In architecture, the interplay between these parameters defines the intensity and effectiveness of the individual spatial perception significantly. They are understood to be integrative components of spatial enactment, their effect being projected through sequences of human motion and unfolded in multilayered ways.Design PrincipleBoth the Eye Film Institute’s con- cept and urban implementation arebased on an overlay of two creative disciplines which have at theircore reality and fiction, illusion and real experience. The buildingconcept becomes the story board, the architecture the scenography. Bydelivering a dynamic interplay, the building’s assigned role oscillatesbetween acting as the urban scenery’s protagonist and as a dramaturgical element placed in front of a heterogeneous landscape setting.On the interface between land and water, between historic centreand modern development area, the building adopts many faces fromeach viewpoint, thus finding itself in a constant dialogue with its surroundings. Its radiance overcomes the city’s natural divide and historiclifeline, the IJ river, and is defined by its interaction with the surroundings,its positioning, and geometry. The area’s distinctive communicativeeffect goes beyond the confines of the building, thus transformingthe visit to the Film Institute into a sustained encounter between urbanreality and cinematographic fiction.As a multifinctional meeting point, the building’s architecturalformulation complies in multiple ways with the responsibility held bya cultural institution of the highest functionality and sustainability.