Israel is an agricultural laboratory and a worldwide case study that exports knowledge, experience, and technology to the entire world. The cultivation of rocky land, the growth of vegetables in the desert, the invention of new methods of irrigation , the upgrading of seed quality are part of the inception of modern agriculture marked by creativity, dare and achievements.
The 2015 Milan Expo theme - "Feeding the planet - Energy for life" provides a unique opportunity to present those. The pavilion presents valuable knowledge base and technology that is being used today, worldwide, in order to challenges hunger and poverty, to spread prosperity and stability in developing countries.
The Israeli pavilion, under the title" The Fields of Tomorrow", creates an immediate and powerful visual experience of agricultural and engineering performance.
The vertical field provides a fresh and unique perspective on how food is produced and supplied in the world. The field is comprised of modular tiles utilized for cultivating agricultural products on a steel frame elevated above ground. The tiles contains a computer-controlled drip watering system for optimal crop cultivation and growth. The field will consist of cereal varieties and other basic foodstuffs that will offer a wide variety of products that will produce a mosaic of textures, smells, and colors.
The building relates to its special location at the center of the park, directly opposite to the Italian pavilion, adjacent to the Cardo and Decumanus, and offers a walk along its façade as part of the visitor experience in the Israeli pavilion.
The Pavilion exhibition will present virtual tour of Israel, presenting the success, innovation and technology that the Israeli scientists and farmers acquired in the agricultural sector.