Lepe hiše/
Mima Suhadolc
Matevž Paternoster
Whoever likes cycling round the outskirts of Ljubljana
will come across a wooden single-family
house which is impossible to miss on the way
from Raπica over Dobeno. Author Veronica Egart
used the term ecological house to describe it.
The house in Dobeno was created based on the
concept design of Veronica Egart and was awarded
a prize in the competition published by Riko
hiπe. Even though the structural and spatial
design are very rational, the space is open and
fluid, while its interiors are adaptable. The main
axis of the house follows an east-west orientation.
Its sections are split up into strips which are
arranged by their designated use and heating
requirements. The cooler service area with storage
rooms and wardrobes in the north is followed
by the north communications axis. In the
centre is the main living area, followed by the
south axis, featuring an air tampon in the shape
of a greenhouse and an exterior covered surface
as an extension of the living areas. On the vertical
axis, the ecological house follows a classic
partition of an upstairs bedroom section, a living
area on the ground floor and the service section
in the partly entrenched basement.
The house at Dobeno is a compact volume, set
under a single-sloped cold roof with large projecting
sides giving the feeling of lightness and
openness. Despite its large glass surfaces on the
south side, the house does not require shading
in the summer, while benefiting from a source
of heating during the winter.
The ecological house stands up well to the elements
thanks to its design, and requires a minimum
amount of energy to maintain its pleasant
living conditions.
The concept design envisaged use of sustainable
building technologies and materials, including
installation of ecological systems, such as
a heat pump and ventilation with recuperation.
This would bring the house closer to the requirements
for passive construction. The clients did
not end up opting for the latter, as they thought
it didn’t make sense to use energy for ventilation,
when all you would have to do is open a
window once in a while instead.
Ecological. And also logical.