Using the idea of the DUEL (face to face battles) two renowned architectsconfront their visions to discuss on a specific topic of contemporary architecture. Juan Herreros acts as moderator-agitator to push
things forward.DUEL 1: Theme: Urban Space / Public Space: Who owns the streets?Duelists: Josep Acebillo VS Santiago Cirujeda.
Experts: José Iribas Miguel, Santi López Petit and Ramon Folch.
Introductory videos by On-a, Subarchitectura and Urban Ecosystems.
DUEL 2:Title: Mrs. Farnsworth vs. Mies
Duelists: Lacaton & Vassal VS Enric Ruiz Geli
Theme: Public Space / Domestic SpaceIntroductory videos by Andrés Jaque, Elena Fernández Salas and CASA.
Experts: GasparMaza. video by ON-A: