A strategic project providing a social
and environmental positive impact on
the region. The building fully integrates
into the landscape as well as it meets
environmental quality standards, a
fundamental aspect for the EDF’s building
«Various life forms exploit a
morphological resemblance to an element
of their context in order to melt with
it. With its forms, the mime resembles
a target”, our target is the Meuse’s
landscape. The idea for the facade’s
conception comes from a simple
postulate. The project allows various
interpretations, it tells different stories
according to the distance or the
proximity to it. Different elements
are discoverable as well as different
The new centre allows the documents’
organisation and it also ameliorates the
storage and the utilisation processes.
These archives, on paper-based and
microfilm-based formats, will occupy
about 70 km of shelves.