Innovative housing and
office project that combines environmental sustainability and architectural
quality with the use of biocompatible materials and reuse of materials and
components for recycling. This is the first building in the city of Terzigno
(Naples, Italy) to be designed according to the principles of sustainability
and green building, and its objective is the achievement of high levels of
comfort and a significant reduction in energy consumption.
The building has a compact
shape, which reduces energy losses to a minimum and allows the majority of the
apartments have access to the sunlight. Transparent vertical closures allow
effective control of natural lighting and solar energy.
The choice of building
materials has been directed towards the use of biocompatible ones, referring to
the recent indoor pollution regulations. A fundamental contribution to the
energy balance was provided by rational use of renewable energy: thanks to an
integrated photovoltaic system that supplies electricity to all common parts
and solar thermal collectors for SHW production. The building is also equipped
with a garbage collection system on each floor.