This project involved the production of drawings to be submitted to the Planners as part of a detailed planning application and to satisfy conditions. We were then requested to provide a full detailed package of information to enable a design a build contractor to bid for this project.
The proposed square in front of the marketing suite functions as one of the main access routes into East Village, being located between to Stratford International train station and East Village itself.
The proposal addresses the significant level change of 4m across the site and treats it as four distinct areas; the upper level, the public square in front of the marketing suite, the semi public area to the rear of the marketing suite and the main pedestrian route connecting the proposed square at the lower level and the East Village at the upper.
The soft landscape elements of the upper level of the site has been designed so as to be a continuation of Victory Park. The square in front of the marketing suite has been treated in a formal manner with blocks of panting to its edges and flush paving to its centre. The connecting pedestrian route is paved with a surface to match that found adjacent to Victory Park and edged with a line of London Plane tree as a continuation of those within East Village.