Eagles Nest Ranch is a summer camp and year round retreat centre which offers various activities designed to provide challenges and excitement. Alvin Fritz has been involved with Eagles Nest Ranch since its inception and was able to input on the overall design and philosophical approach to the project from the beginning.Eagles Nest Ranch is located in the beautiful and picturesque Cypress Hills which are historically known by “First Nations” as the weather breeding grounds. The Cypress Hills are geographically unique and harbor fiora and fauna species which are not present again in North America until latitudes in California.The layout of the Ranch follows the original Master Plan created by ARFAI with clusters of cabins providing housing for campers, couples retreats, and staff as the need arises. A central lodge provides a central gathering spot for campers and staff alike, and provides central washroom facilities, a substantive kitchen, outdoor swimming pool, and large hot tub environment.The “Old West” architectural form and character of the Ranch is Canadiana combined with a rustic mining motif. This aesthetic is beyond “Cowboy Western” which makes the Ranch memorable for its interest and intrigue. The mission at Eagles Nest Ranch is to meet the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of campers and visitors. The Ranch uses exciting and creative methods to give campers the opportunity to meet with Jesus and experience the three C’s of camping- Care, Community and Challenge. The staff at Eagle’s Nest Ranch model the core values of Excellence, Nurture and Righteousness.Alvin Reinhard Fritz Architect Inc. is proud to have Eagles Nest Ranch and its portfolio of camp design, and is pleased that the president of Eagles Nest Ranch, Wes Reinheller, provides a solid reference for architectural services provided for the facility since its inception.