*in collaboration with Myongki SeongThis is a highly complex and integrated design for a vibrant, urban block in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. Inspiration from turbulence path flows and behaviors guided the organizational logics of the site, landscaping, and towers. Techniques such as nesting, embedding, bifurcating, and interlocking are implemented to allow various programs and qualities traverse the site in a very organic, yet orderly manner.Although it is apparent that the two main towers are within the same family of architecture, they each have their own aesthetic sensibilities and organizational logics. The taller tower has a muscular-like facade system that actually penetrates the building core. Its facade pulls into the center providing structural bracing for the facade and the building as a whole. In contrast the second tower has a very delicate facade that hangs elegantly from the upright building core. These towers each contain very different types of spaces from each other in both quality and organization, as they are separate emergences of the site.