Currently the U.S. discards of 40 million mattresses annually. Their components are generally difficult to
recycle, thus the vast majority of unwanted mattresses end up in landfills.
The proposal is to divide the wood, metal springs, and foam from each other, all to be reused for the project. Both
conical and cylindrical springs can be separated and twisted together to form undulating surfaces. The wood can
be reused as blocking for structural support. And using existing wood chipper and spray insulation technology
the foam can be sterilized, ground and sprayed onto the metal to act as the interface between spring and dweller.
As a modular installation this project can take on many scales. At the smallest scale, the surface can become a
seat or an ottoman. At a larger scale it can climb the walls and floors of existing rooms for an interior lounging
landscape. At an even larger scale, the surface can be coated with a waterproof exterior (similar to the rubber
used on running tracks) to become an exterior play landscape for children.