The new center natural disaster prevention as an element of ground stone, solid, hard, time imperezable. The architectural design emerges from the ground like a cubic element was falling apart, torn apart by the effect of natural disasters such as earth movement, erosion of the stone ... These elements porduces inside and outside the formation of cracks in its facade cracks. Are cracks of light that are introduced within it, illuminating the necessary parts of the building. These cracks and fissures are not a formal but simple fact that its geometry is adapting to the interior space to translate the natural ilumnacion in the required fields.
To accentuate the emergency building of the terrain, it proposes a landscape planning from prismatic parts rotated in three dimensions to be intersecting each other to reflect the erosion and rupture of the building ground to emerge. Also the building is about two meters above the rising main dimension to emphasize its importance and leave at a lower level parking.
The building consists of three main modules: the first module which encompasses the areas of entertainment, such as the planetarium film or exhibition area and service areas, the second module, which corresponds to the simulation area and the third includes areas teaching. These three parts come together if you enter through cracks and lighting space, which we establish the formal and spatial relationship between the parties.
Include one of the cracks: the main, located on the roof of the building. This crack glass illuminates one of the most important elements of the project. A broken backlit alabaster wall occupying the entire height of the building emerges from the ground like a gemstone suddenly appear due to the breakage of the rock. This wall is "broken" on the facade to establish visual relationships between the different floors. In turn, this wall is the main building structure which are anchored to the floors of public communication and the principal. In this wall comes a ramp that connects different sections if all levels of projects.