‘Quartier du Grünewaldֺ’ Residential Estate, Luxembourg (56 apartments
including doctor’s offices and a kindergarten)
A simple
architectural trick is all that is needed to create high-quality apartment
units within the existing masterplan:
breaches transform the linear blocks prescribed by the masterplan into
townhouse-like volumes:
This way,
all apartments and breakfast kitchens are given two exterior facades with
different orientations, one of which always is south.
At the same
time, the building shape makes stairwell neighbors locatable: each apartment is
thus assigned its unique specific place within the estate at large.
apartment zones are situated concentrically around the central circulation
stairwells in the interior of the buildings:
warrants maximum efficiency in the piping and wiring layout and, simultaneously,
maximum flexibility in the arrangement of living rooms and bedrooms.
The service
room zone thus turns into as noise-protection buffer between the stairwell and
the bedrooms. The entire façade surface is assigned to residential spaces.
The urban
situation of the development is used to give the open-air community spaces
their character, which in turn is what formally provides the bracket between
the buildings:
All entrances
are accessible from a north-facing urban plaza; on this side, the building
facades show reticent urbanity.
All loggias
on the other side look out on the south-facing community playground/park. The
garden facades thus appear light and extroverted.
open-air spaces are complemented with rooftop sun terraces.
The compact
building shape and state-of-the-art HVAC systems (residential air-conditioning
and ventilation, geothermal heat pumps, solar panels) make the entire estate
meet passive house standards.
The ground
floor is reserved for public functions: from the plaza, the kindergarten and
several doctor’s offices, all oriented south toward the playground/park, are
accessed through separate entranceways.
**********************************************************Le projet est inclu dans le plan directeur du quartier du Grünewald:Au total 700 appartements et 21 immeubles doivent être bâties icidans le cadre du développement du Plateau de Kirchberg.Un artifice architectonique simple est suffisant pour créer des appartementsde qualité au sein du plan directeur existant:Les immeubles donnés par le plan directeur seront transformés pardes entailles du côté sud en différentes parties aux allures de villaurbaines:De cette façon, tout les appartements obtiennent au moins deuxfaçades extérieures avec des orientations différentes, une des deuxétant orientée vers le sud.Les cages d’escaliers et leur voisinages sont reconnaissables dansla forme du bâtiment: chaque appartement obtient ainsi une placeparticulière dans l’ensemble résidentiel.