sheer scale of Abu-Dhabi architecture is immense. In order to convey
the incredible spaces of its UN Studios Middle East Media Complex,
Tronic decided to create a 5 minute three dimensional film using the
same techniques employed by James Cameron in Avatar. The ability to soar
around the space allowed for a more realistic connection to the
proposed complex. Viewers traversed the wide open atrium, observing
shadow analogs of people going about their daily business, producing
different kinds of media within the compound. Floating past various
amenities the viewer is confronted with a giant spiral ramp flanked by a
massive screen being used by the shadows for interactive programing.
The spiral leads into a honeycomb-like structure containing offices
where shadow students work on a 3D mock-up of the full complex. Zooming
in on the 3D model, viewers traverse the space into the next building
where more sweeping shots of honeycombed offices and wide open atriums
follow. Culminating in a sweeping ariel shot of the entire compound,
digital palm trees and mechanized clouds are reveled in the landscape
around the buildings. As the camera zooms ever upwards and out the video
ends literally and figuratively where it began, on a screen in an
editing room.