Located on the south bank of the St. John’s River lies a 13-acre parcel of land that currently serves a number of disparate functions in spite of its disrepair. Our task is to piece the parts back together into a single landscape of multiple recreational and cultural programs. Initiating that task was the design of a parametric armature that extends across the entire site and serves to organize and shape smaller pocket landscapes in a curvilinear web for a variety of programs within its changing pattern. Water features such as interactive fountains, runnels, and stream beds occur throughout the design and at every turn there is an opportunity to engage in a water-related activity. A network of boardwalks connect the waterfront to spaces deep within the park and are all lined with shade trees. Additional program includes a 1,000 person amphitheatre, a reconstructed native Florida wetlands conservancy, a dog run, parking, food vendors, and various unprogrammed landscape spaces waiting for public recreation and interpretation: picnicking, sunbathing, ball and Frisbee playing, and other casual use.