Arkansas’s best known political cartoonist, the late George Fisher, referred to this project site as his Bird Sanctuary. Located at the end of a residential street inhabited with Bluejays, Cardinals, Scarlet Tangers, a hawk and Pileated Woodpeckers, this rocky terrain slopes thirty-three feet to a running creek, close to the home of a family of groundhogs. Integrated amongst the inhabitants is a 20’ creek easement, a 7.5’ utility easement, a 10’ sewer easement, a 15’ front building setback and side lot setbacks. Thepresent owner desired a 3300 square foot house within this sanctuary. Not wanting to disrupt this site, the house was designed as a simple rectangle, 22’-0” x 56’-0” in size, tucked in between the sewer easement and building setbacks. It was clad in standing seam metal, a low maintenance and green product. The project was a study in habitat conservation and human dwelling.