During the Ostrale 010, SPAR*K is presenting COrtex, a project focusing
on the space in between the feeding stables as a connection of the two
buildings, as landmark object and 'window' for the Ostrale.
The existing pedestrian bridge will be transformed into a patial
sculpture with 1500metres of plastic tubes and 4000 cable binders.
Intentionally, the sculpture COrtex is not to be seen as a brigde since
it is overriding the formal boudaries of both existing bridge and stable
As a cocoon and vortex, the organic net is weaving the in-between space
into an own structure, the delicate structure becomes a volume, a place
to stay.
The anorganic material generates a contrast to existing materials and
surfaces. In the years to come, the sculpture can grow over and
transform the adjacent buildings. In the evening, both exterior and
interior space of the sculpture will be converted via animated
procetions into an object of space and light.
The sculpture will persist after the Ostrale 010 until 2014.