The Deloitte Excellence Centar has an approximate area of 5,000 sq m in Torre Diana in Mexico City. The program was structured to fully meet the needs of operating a training center for all staff. It is divided in two levels which are linked by a large space, a staircase that can also function as an open forum for 600 people.
It has twelve meeting rooms for twelve people each, a bistro, six Deloitte University halls and two "Green Houses". All these spaces are intended to operate efficiently for the successful training of more than 1200 people daily both from Mexico and other countries. At the top is the boardroom of the group, a dining room for 400 people and twelve technical classrooms.
The project, like the building, is seeking a LEED GOLD certification to demonstrate how a project —within a tower and with the flow of people receiving daily— can reach the highest standards of energy efficiency, water quality and air conditioning to meet the highest standards. At the same time it also has efficient lighting through a system of LED lights with motion sensors and regulation of light intensity according to natural light levels.
Acoustics, an important factor for education issues, was considered in all areas. The rooms are equipped with floor and wall absorption and voice reflective elements to speak without microphones and hear perfectly to the speaker and participants. All halls have sound absorbing to generate a calm atmosphere in the common areas. It has six automatic doors that integrate two adjoining rooms with the highest acoustic standards to provide privacy when closed and easy to open within minutes respecting safety standards.
The materials were selected to meet LEED certification standards, FSC certified wood, recycled content trying to be 100% recyclable carpets, vinyl, elements on the walls etc.
Category: Corporate
Architectural design: Work+ | Arq. Juan Pablo Serrano Orozco
Collaborator: Arq. Sofía Sáenz, Arq. Loraine Smith
Design category: Interiores Corporativos
Year: 2016
Location: Mexico City
Area: 5,000 sq m
Construction: GIA Interiores
Photograph: Pedro Hiriart