Italian designer
Riccardo Giovanetti has developed a labyrinth of shapes and colours for Copper
In A Box, a touring exhibition hosted in some of the most prestigious European
design museums and organized by the European Copper Institute and Istituto Italiano Rame.
The design for
the exhibition grew out of considering the form of the exhibition should take
to create an abstract architectural space which could be re-organized in many
different places. This
led the designer to base the exhibition on modular elements, the formalization
of which came to be in inspired by the image of a sequence of boxes.
The exhibition's design constraints are focused on expediting
assembly, disassembly, and transportation. The structural components are
consequently made to be small, lightweight, easy to handle and easily
transportable. The packaging becomes the container of the exhibition and
construction creates a large variety of spaces, from cave like to open areas,
inside every exhibition hall. The objects and design concepts are exhibited
both inside and outside the boxes.
The setup of the exhibition discards with tradition. The focus is not on
random objects displayed alongside textbook descriptions, but rather on
process. This help visitors to draw connections between the underlying ideas
and principles that drive copper in design.