Through contract with Unisys Corporation
Firm Description: Public Buildings Service(PBS) is landlord for US Gov Federal Civilian Agencies & is therefore largest property owner in North America.
- [Business Program Management] "Duties focus on configuration, testing, & maintenance of CIFM software. Primary point of contact in region regarding implementation & technical support for national & regional applications related to Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM), Spatial Data Management (SDM), Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Building Information Modeling (BIM) & Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)."
- "Second set of duties involve programming, data analysis & application development."
- Primary author of hugely influential GSA CAD Standard & co-author of industry leading GSA BIM Guide Series
- Primary developer of one of a kind software product GSA Drawings Analysis Program & technical consultant for cutting edge USACE Revit Model Checker
- Founding member of & initial data architect for bleeding edge GSA Central Facilities Repository(CFR) built on open source stack of and
- Co-author of multiple forward thinking NIBS buildingSMART Alliance NCS and NBIMS ballots.