COAM architecture foundation promoved the competition for the “Sociocultural Center in Reinosa”, aimed to select the best proposal for the construction of a cultural center on the remains of the old municipal market, located in Reinosa Market Square. The site shows up as a groundwork born in the middle of the sorrounding streets ups and down.
Project guidelines are very easy and can be summed up according to a sequence of precise operations.
First of all the extrusion of the whole base and as consequence the ideal creation of a regular grid as a matrix.
Keeping the perimeter accessible and permeable, an empty/full chess finally arises in which the functional destination are organized in three different macro-
areas: work, reception and leisure.
This choise permites to keep recognizable and separated the single elements identity and spaces whose the main goal is to answer to the molteplicity of needs through spaces that don’t need a defined perimeter but can be changed in a future different development of the center.
In the meanwhile, project gets to obtain a great interaction between open and closed spaces through their visible and physical continuity.