Compared to its twin buildings, the cms Villaverde solves the contrast between two opposite situations in a more smooth way, expressed by the use of a tectonic constructive system: metal frames with glass and polycarbonate enclosures with varying degrees of opacity and transparency. From the outside, the building's goal is to camouflage with its surroundings: the white glass produces a reflection of the neighboring buildings making it almost disappear without allowing an interior-exterior visual relationship. From the inside, the contact with the outside through the vertical closure is eased through the shadows pedestrians and trees cast on the translucent walls. The transparent qualities of the glass multiply the reflected symmetry, the same way the qualities of reflection and diffuse lighting of the translucent polycarbonate vertical panels help create a spacious and luminous interior environment with a certain atmospheric sense.
The healthcare program is developed extensively on a single floor. The different program units are ordered by generating a sparse irregular orthogonal grid, where 13 patios are distributed in a staggered pattern between public and private placements through three (non)-parallel corridors. As opposed to this system of lighting, atomized by the courtyards, the impenetrable facade is conceived as a mass of glass modulated continuous and blind.