Designing for Instruction KK as one of their creative partners over the past few years in Tokyo Japan. They generally operate in the field of IT one thing that has constantly struck us is the overriding human element that seems to surround the people from Instruction, This recent project was not only successful & FUN but also was a good example of how creative direction & design can not only meet specific marketing/business goals & needs but also contribute to a companies brand image & visual identity.In terms of design the approach was quite simple using the designers toolbox of building a narrative and storytelling through various graphic elements - ultimately simplifying a message through emotional devices, as in the intentional construction & positioning of the question Q) Which Cloud Are You ? A) [One Cloud],This gave a strategic line of design thinking which triggered the design direction. The space that this occupied and competed for was in an extremely competitive space being Japan's first Cloud Computing Expo held in May 2010 at Big Site in Odaiba. The Computing Expo was bigger and busier than anyone had anticipated "Cloud Computing market" is the hottest > catch phrase/ one liner / buzz word / etc / keyword in the Japanese IT market this year.