“ A whole toy box full of playful, inventive strategies for exploring cities...
Just about anything that can take pedestrians off their predictable paths
and jolts them into a new awareness of the urban landscape ”
PSYCHO-GEOGRAPHYas defined by Guy Debord
founder of the Situationism NationaleThis collision that is about to break would let thecivics carve their way into the volumetric existence as well asthe political life to participate.The scars and the cracks of this clash would last for the timeas evidence to be witnessed and the future would decidewhether if they would disappear or would the wound getdeeper.An overall system that is to be layered down on basis of thedramatic feature that is to be built on the collision act betweenthe civics and the authority represented in the Spina -Volumetric clash that its action would take place in the spacein which it should had to be taken in the past, which wouldgive a deeper sense for the capital concept.This Drama is manifested in the very deep sense of thehuman being. One that is tracing to ndRoutes to follow,Directions to take,Others to interact with, to see him cutting this distance onlyto believe that he is not hollow and that he is still there.His impact with the nostalgia of his past and the hope heseeks in the future. A matter of struggle between the verysoul of his and the concrete physique of the structure, thevacuum space inside a volume and its stolid boundaries.A struggle between his betraying consciousness and thetruth of what he really see, but the doubt that the imageformed before his very eyes really shapes the reality conceivedin his loneliness in the world never to mention theglobal.It is a struggle between the one’s very Reality, loneliness, conscious,weakness existence and the matter, objects, volumesand experience.