Quito, in the last years has suffered a poor vision of how to built a city, limited solutions have been the results of the architecture that its being built for the city. Projects that doesn�t have a relation with the public space and instead of building a city are destruying it, are more common nowadaysThis project is a criticism to the lately urban solutions that the Planning Office is making. It is an investigation to develop a solution of how the arquitecture should have a relation with the urban planning, to make the image of Quito legible, based on the theories of Kevin Lynch, when he wrote "The Image of the City"Therefore the main topic is to develop and understand the importance of urban legibility, and that the image development process is the basis for reshaping what surrounds us.Legibility for example improves the identification of a structure, in this case urban planning or buildings,for example: if a common citizen identify this structure easily, this citizen would be able to move faster.Legibility avoids desorientation and allows the citizen a major capacity of remembering an space and feel safe in it.In this project I analized the legibility in Naciones Unidas Ave. and I difference it in three categories, 1 The fist category is a zone that is delimited and consolidated(blue ) 2 The second category is a zone tha is medium delimitedby the buildings(yellow) and the third is a zone that is not delimited, is not organized and requires a urgent solution.This is were the project takes place, and according to the context the concept ideas are to Delimit and define the main avenue (path) with the project, free some space in order to aloud the citizen to appropriate them. The form of the project should be legible for the citizen in order to be a solution to identify the structure, and to do this the main caracteristics are:Delimit, Order, Clarify, Clean and Stress what exists.