plexus r + d was invited by the History Channel to participate in a
competition, envisioning Atlanta 100 years in the future. Our response
was entitled "ReGenerative Atlanta." By the 22nd century, metropolitan
Atlanta will be approaching 20 million people. This staggering demand,
accommodated through an equation of low density sprawl and medium
density infill, will result in the collapse of a viable and satisfying
lifestyle. Sprawl will amplify unsustainable demands on the
environment, exponentially exacerbating water and energy shortages, increasing air
pollution, resulting in the erasure of Atlanta’s regional ecology and
unique urban identity characterized by its lush canopy of trees. Sprawl
will compromise our ability to live freely and at peace with the
natural systems that sustain us. Filling Atlanta’s green voids in the
suburban metropolis isn’t the answer. The dominance of the architronic
over the ecological requires a rethinking of metropolitan order.
Embracing and preserving eco-voids by concentrating new growth in a series of
hyper-dense self-sufficient nodes located on multi-modal transit
arteries will engender a vibrant metropolitan galaxy as opposed to a
ubiquitous megalopolitan singularity.