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City Art in Évry (FRANCE)  

City Art in Évry (FRANCE)

Évry, France

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City Art in Évry (FRANCE)

Évry, France

The last dwellings of the inter-generational block of the ZAC of Evry Center Ville signed by Atelier Puzzler will be delivered in 2018. According to Frédéric Brouillet and Bertrand Dubus (Puzzler), coordinators of the ZAC, the urban metamorphosis also goes through mixed programs . Since the first housing units delivered at the end of 2014, the Residence Art de Ville in Evry city center has been an architectural favorite designed to fit into time and space beyond the effects of fashion.

"We are not in a quest for style but that of an indisputable architecture whose components are related to geometry and rhythm as well as the circulation of light, the sun, the quality of the air, the acoustic, the views ... ", emphasize Frédéric Brouillet and Bertrand Dubus.

With Nexity, project owner, the Art de Ville program includes 112 student housing units (2,200 m²), 104 housing units with services for seniors (6,280 m²), 232 housing units (14,300 m²), including 90 housing units. by Brenac and Gonzales, a nursery (360 m²) and underground car parks.

The buildings are composed of a base, current floors and an attic. By aligning with the 'traverses', the east-west routes that serve the transit through the urban center, these works achieve the objective of keeping the public space at the neighborhood level.

Reclaiming the soil included in the urban project allows occupancy and use on the ground floor while ensuring the privacy and security of these homes in relation to sidewalks and upper dwellings.

Occultation systems are designed and implemented to compose and animate the facade. The window, the signature of the student residence, illuminates the premises, frames the views, serves the uses and marks the time. The penthouses participate in a landscape suspended in the sky line.

"As coordinator of the ZAC, it was essential to ensure the link between the architectures of different operations," explain Frédéric Brouillet and Bertrand Dubus.

"The rhythm of buildings with their garden creates a set built in agreement with the party of personalization of public spaces. It was important to use constructive reality to ensure simple implementation and avoid decorative effects, "they conclude.

Client Nexity
Project Management Team Atelier PUZZLER (Frédéric Brouillet and Bertrand Dubus, Urbanist Architect) lots TY 1, 2, 5 et UY 1, 2 ; Brenac et Gonzalez (architects) lot TY 1 et 4, Mutabilis (landscape)
Floor Area  17 438 m²
Program 112 student housing units, 104 housing units with services adapted to seniors, 232 housing units, ground floor equipment and underground parking facilities
Adress rues Pierre Mauroy, Monseigneur Roméro et Père André Jarlan, ZAC du Centre-Ville à Evry (91)
Mission of Atelier Puzzler coordination of the entire block, design of housing programs (accession, social and student), nursery and shared spaces
Environmental approach HQE BBC for all housing programs, H & E Profile A certification for housing with services adapted to seniors
Calendar delivery 2014 to 2018

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