Optical illusion and disorientation are the terms that characterize this project.
The purpose induces reflection in the passage between one space and another, between one environment and another.
Recognizing the spatial dimension, not automatically but according to a considered perception, becomes a mode that allows understanding of every aspect of the domestic place. In the checked house nothing is taken for granted and everything is marked by an incessant and repetitive rhythm. The picture refers to our childhood, is a simple and familiar element. In the quaderno a quadretti children draw rhythmic forms, simple and complex, repeated to infinity, with the intent of acquiring the ability to confront and measure with space, with its construction and size. The house is organized through a path that links, according to a sequence, collective spaces with private ones. Large windows allow the light to penetrate in a soft way with the aim of emphasizing through strong contrasts the incessant repetition and texture.