Idea of the project, creation of an image of a non-permanent structure, with the minimal presence in territory and influence on citadel Chan Chan. For this purpose a part of premises are located under the ground, other part is as much as possible transparent. Guestrooms are spaced apart so that to receive even more lonely stay and to provide a kind on the sea and on citadel Chan Chan. Communication with the personnel is carried out through a radio signal, or through stained-glass windows of the rooms illuminated by color
Competition Description:The “Beach Lodge”
to be designed is meant to be a new worldwide prototype model of lodge housing,
its main purpose being the enjoyment of the landscape and environment, not the
level of comfort it brings.
Within this scheme,
the “Beach Lodge” is more a place to be, rather than a place to be in:
of enjoyment of the context before the enjoyment of the infrastructure. In
this way the environment is freed of excessive contaminating residues produced
by the heavy rotation of visitors. Higher value is placed on the temporary and
active experiencing of the event itself (observation of the Citadel of CHAN
CHAN) rather than on the efficiency and complexity that the installations may
offer for a longer term stay.
This Lodge is meant
to be a next generation type of lodging, a self sufficient refuge whose service
plan is based on contemporary parameters of “zero ecological impact” which will
promote a new kind of habitability, such as self service or self generation of
energy; of basic maintenance, with a minimal team of employees for cleaning and
medical needs; and the virtual elimination of waste residue through communal hygienic
facilities, classification of residue according to biodegradability, and use of
clean energy sources.
The goal of this
shelter is to promote a new model of lodging in which tourists, with a minimum
of luggage, can enjoy a clean, safe and economical place where they can spend a
night and wake up in front of the Citadel of Chan Chan as well as enjoy a
beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean, making their stay something ephemeral and
passing, but, precisely because of this, much more transcendent and vital.
The contest is trying to promote the development of a
forward thinking consciousness in as far as lodging, tourism and ecological
culture are concerned. This is not the main aim of the contest, but the
knowledge produced through it may be used at a later date as part of other
initiatives, private or public, for the development of holistic projects. This
kind of know-how can be used to accompany other types of technical reports such
as hotel development feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments,
economic investment proposals, and tourism statistical studies, in order to
create reports that support such initiatives.Description of the citadel of CHAN
Next to the present day
city of Trujillo
lies the largest architectural evidence of Peru’s archaeological past: Chan
Chan. Even though some older architectural remains have
been identified in the citadel, Chan
Chan was built by the Chimu or Chimor. The name
belongs to a civilization that by the XIII or XIV century had reached its
greatest territorial extension covering more than 1000 kilometes of Peru’s northern
Known as
“the world’s largest mud city”, the central sector of Chan Chan is made up of walled architectural
units known as “citadels”. These cover an area of 6 km2. Each “citadel” has
buildings, pyramids and excavated areas called huachaques. These were used as
agricultural fields in which crops grew thanks to underground moisture.