This building emerges as a great architectural and real state challenge, where the answer as a whole and in it's more relevant aspects definitely come from all the considerations and values inherent to the use of residential apartments, the inmediate context, the site itself morphology, solar orientation and it's surroundings, giving the building it's character.
Built on a traingle shaped site like very few (if none) in the city, the prescence of Ave. El Milagro on the east and west, with it's high vehicular movement, the close distance to the Lago de Maracaibo and it's valuable views, on the west the Ave.2A a local, less transited and quiet street and finally developing sites to the north.
After the previous considerations the result is a 14 story building: 2 Access levels, one on the Ave.2A (main entrance and parking lot) and the other one, one level bellow on the Ave. El Milagro (parking lot and services) and twelve stories of residential apartments each one of 310m2.
Coming from south the building shows itself as a vertinal stone volume containing all vertical circulations and as high as the building itself, as we move towards north on Ave. El Milagro we see the rest of the volumetry. This vertical element holds and acts as a start point for a line based composition present in both East and West facedes. The East facade is guarded from the Ave. El Milagro with landscaping that reconstructs the former hill where the building is located, ending in the south corner in a public space and it's natural topography.
On the residential levels this facade uses the views towards the lake using wide windows planes protected by horitontal brisel-soleil made of exposed concrete. The West facade uses the same language but taking notice of the orientation it presents terraces is some cases and closed planes. On the other hand the north facade is silent, closed to the surroundings and completes the rest of the proposal.
Therefore, the intention for the interior design of the units was to create an integrator only space for the social areas, keeping the relationship City-Lake, West-East, trough the unit itself.