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Centro de las Artes de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México  

Centro de las Artes de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

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Centro de las Artes de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

1,000,000 +
The world today has seen multiple designs for Cultural or arts centers
and theaters that proved to be enough for creating urban integration,
economical development and important points of social gathering within various


Guadalajara´s theater complex pretends to be a unique place in the
country while being a key point in the university cultural center. The building
is placed in such way that it becomes the center of the whole major cultural
center. The building position seems to be linked with different venues like a
library in the north, a hotel in the south, housing in the east, and a mall in
the west.


Contemporary architecture is looking and experimenting in terms of form
and skins. Large scale projects are chosen and built based on their appearance,
being that the success factor. Designing obvious and geometrical shapes is
considered a conservative attitude towards architecture. In terms of formal
issues, despite the fact that theater technologies are evolving everyday, the
basic scheme of a theater is basically the same.


The scenic arts complex we are proposing is developed from the program
itself, in other words the center is designed based on how it works. This
previous condition creates a diagram-building capable of hosting diverse
events: Great Operas, Ballet, dance, classic music concerts and all kinds of
theater productions, including experimental plays. The building solves the
problems of sharing all the  entrances,
management and services.


Due to the its physical location the visitor can access the building
trough three different points established by 3 different height levels: -3m,
ground level, +4m. This three entrances converge in a great distribution lobby
which allows the spectator to enter three separate theaters as well as facilities
(cafeteria, bar and shops). That's why we conceived this project as a public
plaza that goes inside a building, a scheme that leads people into a great
lobby (foyer) and distributes them between the different theaters but in an
independent way. The foyer has the ability of connecting all the complex in
horizontal and vertical terms.


and Education because “integration,
exploration and optimization in a quality functional environment” is the
general purpose. Each space and sequence should be culturally inspiring. This
theater complex in Guadalajara Mexico is intended to become a center for
creativity in both national and international ways. The design and activities
programed inside and outside their complex will attract artists and teachers
all over the region to exhibit, work, study and develop their creativity. The
concentration of artist-like people will call for business and investments.


Space The scenic arts complex in
Guadalajara is composed by very public areas as well as special private ones.
The public space formed by terraces, plazas and gardens is totally integrated
in a master plan. The main public plaza is extended for generating a continuous
flow with the surroundings. The four theaters (including an open theater) are connected
with the public area therefore assuring a true legible access.


When 3 is 4 In such a
strong and symbolic project, where form comes from an efficiency programmatic
process, extra venues could be obtained. In this case, from the intention of
creating just three theaters, a fourth appeared obviously. Following this ideas
the final four theaters maximize their area and their public space approach by
taking advantage of the site. In this case interior and exterior spaces work in
the same layer providing a great environment for displaying any activity.


The final project is conceived as a plaza complex with no hierarchy, a
very public building in which every access ends in the great lobby or foyer
which distributes and links the pedestrian with the city in every direction
allowing the space to be used 24/7. A “people building” , sustainable in urban


Working this way, the building allows visitors from every point of he
city to arrive and enjoy the arts center. Multiple transportation systems are
available, the visitor could use either public or private transportation or
even bicycles or walking. The public plazas work as a gathering network for the
people to come.


The access for employees, service providers or actors and staff its
located in such way that it do not interfere with the visitors natural flow.
This access ends in a convenient switchyard and an entrance to a private
The proposed scheme considers the possibility of building the complex in
phases. Every theater independently built and operated therefore its possible
to start building the service distribution core with just one theater, to build
the 3 left in another phase. The building integrates energy savers and passive
systems such as crossed ventilation, rain water collection in roofs and plazas;
local planting materials and design in public areas as well as stone regional
materials with climate and esthetic properties.

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