The general principle
of designing the proposal, although it is defined by a fairly simple, has
always been developed from a thorough analysis regarding the site, the program
and the pre-existence.
The basic idea behind
the proposal is as follows:
Plot 1, in which the
pre-existing building is completely recovered, incorporating some minor
adjustments due to the integration of the new program, and Plot 2 used for the
deployment of a new building that meets the requirements functional program.
We start then from
the conceptual idea of "planting a flower in the garden." The flower
grows on land that already creates a
metaphorical allusion between old and new: the flower that is planted and
growing in the backyard.
We intend to create a
relationship of continuity, intimacy and complicity between the two buildings
that help us understand the project as a whole. The idea of a flower planted in
the garden can also be seen in a more romantic way, generating an association
with the village name: Vila Flor.